My first conference in over a year and a half has successfully concluded! IAAPA met in Barcelona for the first conference since November 2019, after converting all 2020 and summer 2021 to virtual events. It was wonderful to see three-dimensional, live people (!) discussing design, management and recovery, and accessibility topics, among others.
I had a chance to catch up with fellow academics and industry friends, meet new people and
With the exception of when eating and drinking (such as this outdoor scene during a refreshment break), participants wore masks (FFP2 or surgical masks required) and distanced, with ample sanitizer at every turn. IAAPA arranged onsite COVID testing for attendees who needed a test to travel home. In all, about 8,500 people attended this conference – a drop from 2019, but a great return toward the After Times.
It was just a bit too soon for me to join a post-conference conference, TEA SATE. As great as that program looked, the coach bus transportation an hour there and back, and COVID test logistics–it was just a little too soon.