OHS and Ergonomics for Sign Language Interpreters

Cover of manual reads Occupational Health and Safety for Sign Language Interpreters, Kathryn Woodcock, Steven Fischer

OHSforSLI – download the guide

Woodcock, K., Fischer, S.L. 2008. Occupational Health and Safety for Sign Language Interpreters Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Research Advisory Council Grant #0532. Toronto: Ryerson University.

Reference guide for professional sign language interpreters (SLI), organizations employing SLI, and SLI training programs covering occupational health and safety (OHS) considerations including musculoskeletal injury prevention.

Author: Kathryn Woodcock

Dr. Kathryn Woodcock is Professor at Toronto Metropolitan University, teaching, researching, and consulting in the area of human factors engineering / ergonomics particularly applied to amusement rides and attractions (https://thrilllab.blog.torontomu.ca), and to broader occupational and public safety issues of performance, error, investigation and inspection, and to disability and accessibility.