
Honours and recognition items preceding the creating of this site.

  • Blooloop 50 Theme Park Influencers list, 2020
  • ASTM International Committee F24 Award of Appreciation, 2017
  • Canadian National Exhibition Women of Distinction, 2016
  • Italian Manufacturer Association, Parksmania, and ITA-Italian Trade Agency, PARKSMANIA Professional Merit Award, 2016
  • Technical Standards and Safety Authority, Ontario, Safety Impact Award, 2013
  • I. King Jordan Award for Distinguished Achievement, Association of Late-Deafened Adults, 2013
  • Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship (O.M.C.), 1993
  • Alumni Achievement Medal University of Waterloo Faculty of Engineering, 1996
  • Meritorious Service Award–Community Service, Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, 1993
  • Citizenship Award–Community Service, Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario, 1991
  • Ontario Association of the Deaf, First Deaf (President of CHS) Award, 1992
  • Edmund Lyon Memorial Lectureship Award Rochester Institute of Technology, 1992
  • Association of Late-Deafened Adults (ALDA)
    • Able ALDAn Award, 1991
    • ALDA Appreciation Award, 1994
    • ALDA Brainstorm Award, 1995
  • Scholarships and Fellowships
    • NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship, 1990, 1991
    • North American Life Assurance Company Post-Graduate Scholarship for Engineers, 1990
    • IADES Deaf Women in Doctoral Studies Scholarship, 1991
    • Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 1993
    • Frank Waddel Scholarship, 1993
  • Architectural Preservation Award, Milton (Ontario), 1989
  • Canadian Who’s Who (annual), Biographee.

Author: Kathryn Woodcock

Dr. Kathryn Woodcock is Professor at Toronto Metropolitan University, teaching, researching, and consulting in the area of human factors engineering / ergonomics particularly applied to amusement rides and attractions (https://thrilllab.blog.torontomu.ca), and to broader occupational and public safety issues of performance, error, investigation and inspection, and to disability and accessibility.